Increasing Your Budget

Computer purchase

Any medical student, who decides to buy a computer after being admitted, may request a one time budget increase in order to be reimbursed for this purchase.

The increase will be for the actual amount of purchase not to exceed $2,000.

  • Covered costs include a tablet, PC or laptop/case; peripherals such as a monitor, software, and printer can be included.
  • Costs for extended warrantees or services plans are NOT covered.

The type of assistance offered to cover the increase is in the form of an unsubsidized Stafford Loan or estimated med loan (i.e., Grad PLUS or alternative loan). The budget increase will only be granted upon submission of a receipt in the student's name.

Computers purchased prior to being admitted as a medical student will not be reimbursed, and reimbursement will not occur prior to the beginning of the semester.

Away electives/rotations

A student may request an increase for expenses related to department approved "away electives and/or designated clinical rotations". Approved budget increases will typically be covered by an unsubsidized Stafford loan, Grad PLUS or alternative loan. Both Grad PLUS and alternative loans require a credit check for approval.

To request a budget increase a student must submit a letter from his/her department indicating:

  • the nature of the student's program of study
  • the semester of enrollment for the away elective/rotation
  • mention that the away elective/rotation will contribute to the granting of the student's degree program

Additional information to be submitted by the student:

  • actual costs for any additional transportation or housing expense
  • the semester of enrollment for the away elective/rotation
  • documentation of costs (i.e., receipts for airfare or housing)

Provide all required information at time of submission to expedite the processing and approval of the budget increase.

Other budget increases

Other items (i.e. unreimbursed medical expenses, dependent living or daycare expenses, etc.) may be considered for a budget increase. A student should write a letter to the medical advisory staff explaining the situation and providing documentation of expenses. Requests will be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid Professional Judgment Committee for approval.