Do Your Research

There's a lot to keep in mind as you financially prepare for college. We can help you make sense of it all.

Federal financial aid begins with the FAFSA

If you require financial assistance, your first step is to submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online as soon as the FAFSA is available in the year before you plan to enroll. For the 2024-25 aid year, the FAFSA will be available at the end of December 2023 (get information about the revised 2024-25 FAFSA here). FAFSA evaluates eligibility for need-based aid, including federal loans, and gives students access to need-based grants, scholarships, loans and work-study. The FAFSA website will help you determine whether you are a dependent or independent student, and other important criteria for aid.


Estimate Your Costs

The sample budgets below represent average costs for the 2025-26 academic year, or what is often referred to as the Cost Of Attendance. These budgets are based on 12-18 credits/semester for undergraduate students and 9 credits/semester for graduate students.

Food and housing costs in the budget include a double room, linen service, Silver meal plan and use of study, laundry and recreational facilities. Students are allotted the same amount for living costs (food and housing) whether they live on- or off-campus.

Personal and miscellaneous costs include average amounts for clothing, transportation, personal care, cell phone, recreation, etc.

For a detailed breakdown of tuition, taxes and fees for resident students, go here.

For a detailed breakdown of tuition, taxes and fees for non-resident studentsgo here.

Please note that there is no allowance in the undergraduate budget for car expenses.

2025-26 Sample Freshman Budget

 Michigan StudentOut-of-State Student
Tuition & Fees
Fees & Taxes$458$458
Estimated Living & Other Expenses
Food & Housing$12,942$12,942
Books & Supplies$1,420$1,420
Personal & Misc.$3,930$3,930
Total Cost of Attendance$36,662$65,356

*Tuition and fees for 25-26 are an estimate until the Board of Trustees votes to approve the upcoming year's budget. These numbers may be adjusted slightly after the Board meets at the end of June.

2025-26 Sample Graduate Budget

 Michigan StudentOut-of-State Student
Tuition & Fees  
Fees & Taxes$388$388
Estimated Living & Other Expenses
Food & Housing$18,536$18,536
Books & Supplies$1,998$1,998
Personal & Misc.$3,930$3,930
Total Cost of Attendance$42,722$59,088

*Tuition and fees for 25-26 are an estimate until the Board of Trustees votes to approve the upcoming year's budget. These numbers may be adjusted slightly after the Board meets at the end of June.


Michigan State University is committed to using the Principles & Standards of the College Cost Transparency Initiative in its student financial aid offer.

Search for Scholarships

Student working on a laptop in a common area

Begin Your Scholarship Search Today

There are many sources of gift aid out there, if you're willing to put in some time and effort. Search the MSU Scholarships database here, or head to our main scholarships page for information on searching for aid in your community and beyond.

Searching for Scholarships

Search for Loans

Loans Can Help Bridge a Funding Gap

While we advise students and families to be careful of accruing too much debt, there are loan resources available if funding obligations cannot be met through scholarships, grants and family contributions.

Loan Resources
MSU graduate student studying a plant

Other Types of Aid

MSU professor evaluates a rice experiment with graduate student

Beyond Scholarships, Grants & Loans

Work study, assistantships, veteran's benefits, education saving plans and tax credits are opportunities some students can take use to offset the cost of attendance.

Other Aid

Manage Your Aid

Billing & Payments

Once you've been accepted and enrolled, you'll be able to see your student account using the Student Information System (SIS), where you can make payments and manage any aid. The Office of Financial Aid does not handle billing and payments, but we can answer questions related to the aid you see displayed in the student account section of your student portal.

Visit SIS
Advisor working with student