Michigan Indian Tuition Waiver

Michigan State University participates in the Michigan Indian Tuition Waiver (MITW) program. This program pays the MSU resident tuition for an eligible student.


Admitted students must be certified as eligible for the program by the Michigan Department of Civil Rights (MDCR). Eligibility criteria are established pursuant to state statute and require Michigan residency for 12 consecutive months, ¼ Native American blood quantum and membership in a federally recognized tribe.

Complete information about the program, including eligibility requirements and the program application, are available at the MDCR website.

Once MDCR has made a determination of eligibility, it will notify you and MSU. If your eligibility is verified and you are classified as an in-state student for tuition purposes, you do not need to take any additional steps. The Office of Financial Aid will process the award and it will appear as a tuition credit against your student account.

Residency status

If you are determined to be eligible but you are not classified as an in-state student for tuition purposes, you may contact our office to discuss how to prove you have resided in the state for 12 continuous months immediately prior to the semester for which you are requesting MITW funds. Proof may include pay stubs, rental agreements, or other similar documents. If this proof verifies that you meet the 12 month residency rule, you need take no additional steps. The Office of Financial Aid will process the award and it will appear as a tuition credit against your student account. Note that the MITW funds will only pay for the resident portion of nonresident tuition and you will be charged for the rest.

Applying for other financial aid

Whether you are approved or denied the Michigan Indian Tuition Waiver, if you find you have insufficient funds to cover your educational expenses, you should submit the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and talk with the Office of Financial Aid about alternative sources of assistance.

Coordination of financial aid awards

Please note that if you have one or more other awards that are designated to pay tuition, one or more awards, including MITW, will be reduced so that the combination of tuition-specific awards does not exceed your tuition charges.